Our Services

Portable Gas Monitors

Our in-house calibration facility is equipped to carry out calibration of portable single and multi gas monitors. We can test, trouble shoot and certify fire and Gas Detection System Dubai onboard vessels, barges, offshore rigs, refineries and other installations.
Bump test
This is a qualitative function check in which a challenge gas is passed over the sensor(s) at a concentration and exposure time sufficient to activate all alarm settings. The purpose of this check is to confirm that gas can get to the sensor(s) and that all the instrument’s alarms are functional. The bump test or function check does not provide a measure of the instrument’s accuracy.
Calibration check & Full check
There are two methods for verifying a calibration check and a full calibration. Each method is appropriate under certain conditions.
A calibration check verifies that the sensor(s) and alarms respond within the manufacturer’s acceptable limits by exposing the instrument to a test gas. The operator compares the reading to the test-gas concentration (as indicated on the cylinder containing the test gas). If the instrument’s response is within the acceptable range of the test-gas concentration (typically ± 10-20% of the test-gas concentration), then the calibration check verified the instrument’s accuracy. An operator should “zero” an instrument (reset the reference point, in some cases “zero air” gas may be needed) before conducting the calibration check to ensure that the calibration check results are accurate. When performing a calibration check, the test-gas concentration should be high enough to trigger the instrument’s alarm(s).